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Become a Member


Why join the Boulder Rifle Club?

The Boulder Rifle Club (BRC) is unique in that it provides the sole outdoor sport shooting range facility in Boulder County. The BRC has outdoor ranges of 25yd, 50yd, 100yd and 200yd that members may use during daytime hours in accordance with scheduling and the range rules.


The BRC also has an indoor 50ft pistol and smallbore rifle range that members may use anytime they wish in accordance with scheduling and the range rules.


The BRC offers classes and activities throughout the year at both our outdoor and indoor ranges. These activities include pistol and rifle matches and competitions, classes and training seminars. Classes and activities at the BRC are open to the public. Members receive an advanced opportunity to sign up for these events and a discount on fees.


Membership is limited

The Boulder Rifle Club is currently at its adult membership limit and maintains a waiting list for adult membership openings. To be placed on the waiting list please fill out the waitlist and/or junior member application and email it to the waitlist coordinator (or mail it to the postal address shown on the form). Your name will be placed on the membership waiting list once the completed application has been received.


If you haven't heard back from our waitlist coordinator within 30 days of submitting your application, you may want to email them to confirm that you have been successfully added to the membership waiting list. The Boulder Rifle Club is not responsible for applications lost in the mail.


There is no fee for being added to the waiting list and you will be contacted when your name comes up. We recommend that you update us should your contact information change by contacting the club waitlist coordinator. Please note:


Current annual dues for adult members are $250 and the one-time initiation fee for new members is $1000

Unfortunately, the membership waiting list is quite long and it may be 3 – 5 years or more before anyone added to the list at this time becomes eligible for adult membership. We do not like this situation any more than you do but we are simply unable to satisfy all the demand for range use.


When you do get called up by the waitlist coordinator and are preparing to join the club, note that we will run a basic background check on you through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. This is intended to help ensure some basic screening of new members.


Junior members

There is no waiting list for new Junior members (<18 years old) of the BRC. Juniors may participate in any or all of the Junior marksmanship programs at the BRC. Juniors learn firearm safety and target shooting principles under the tutelage of one or more of our NRA Training Coaches and put what they learn into practice by shooting regularly in one of the seasonal weekly leagues. Junior programs at the BRC are subsidized by the club to reduce cost and encourage participation. Junior members have access to the range only during supervised activities. More information can be found on the Junior Smallbore and Junior High Power pages.  To fill out a junior member application please click HERE.