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HomePublic FAQ

Public FAQ

  • Are you open?
  • That depends…. Are you a member? Unless closed for maintenance or a scheduled activity, ranges are generally open to members whenever allowed by the range rules (especially noting the time-of-day rules). Please check the calendar to see what is scheduled on the day you plan to visit.
  • Our ranges are only open to non-members during scheduled activities like Public Range days, matches, and classes, or when they're guests of members. Please check the calendar for the date/activity you are looking for.
  • The most common reason for range closure is dangerous weather conditions.
  • Please note, if the entrance gate is locked then we are not open to the public. We apologize for any inconvenience.
  • How do I become a member?
  • Please see the membership page. Note that the adult waiting list is many years long.
  • Why would I want to become a member?
  • Are you interested in the sport of target shooting?
  • Do you recognize that the eye/hand coordination skills needed for accurate shooting are perishable and must be renewed through periodic practice?
  • Do you like competitive challenges against time, the weather and even yourself?
  • Do you live in Boulder County and want a convenient, safe place to shoot?
  • I am a member, can I bring guests?
  • Members can bring guests with them to the range. There is no limit on the number of guests a member may bring, however each and every guest must –
  • Agree to and sign a waiver form immediately upon entering the property. Waiver forms are available inside the clubroom.
  • Be supervised by the member that brought them on the property. "Supervised" means under control of the member who brought them, which implies within sight and able to hear the member’s verbal commands. Note that the required hearing protection limits the distance at which guests can hear your verbal commands. Guests who are unsupervised and the member who failed to supervise them will be asked to leave the property.
  • Agree to, understand and obey the range rules.
  • Not be prohibited by Colorado or federal law from possessing a firearm. Anyone who is not legally able to possess a firearm is not allowed on BRC property and must leave immediately.
  • The member and all guests must use a single shooting position on the range if other members are present. Other members have precedence over guests when the range is crowded.
  • Can I shoot my particular firearm on your range?
  • Please see the Public Range Days page for a brief overview of the range rules and restrictions on firearms and ammunition. Please note that exploding targets and/or incendiary ammunition are not allowed at the BRC.
  • Can children shoot at the Boulder Rifle Club?
  • Yes, generally they can, with a few restrictions –
  • Youth (any person under 18 years of age) MUST be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who must have the authority to sign a legal waiver of liability on their behalf.
  • Youth must be supervised at all times. “Supervised” means under control of their parent or legal guardian, which implies within sight and able to hear your verbal commands. Note that the required hearing protection limits the distance at which youth can hear your verbal commands. Youth who are unsupervised and the adult who failed to supervise them will be asked to leave the property.
  • Youth generally shoot free during activities. The Boulder Rifle Club provides discounts to youth to encourage their participation in sport shooting activities. Exceptions may occur at any activity. The range officer or program director at the activity will have more information.
  • Youth must obey the range rules and be able to understand and obey commands from the range officer present during the activity. Any inability or unwillingness to obey the range rules or verbal commands from the range officer disqualifies that person from participation in that activity and they will be asked to leave the property.
  • The Boulder Rifle Club organizes and subsidizes several youth programs which provide opportunities for youth to learn how to handle firearms safely and responsibly and to gain experience and proficiency in sport shooting. These include –
  • Junior membership
  • Junior indoor smallbore program
  • Junior high power program
  • BRC classes
  • Where am I on the waitlist?
  • All waitlist questions and contact information updates are handled via email to the waitlist coordinator.
  • I have a question about a specific match/activity?
  • See the activities menu for details and contact information on individual matches and activities.
  • I have a question about...
  • You will receive the fastest response if your question is sent directly to those best able to answer it. Here are some direct links:
  • Email: Waitlist
  • Link: Public Range Days
  • Email: Classes
  • Email: Women’s Program
  • Email: Everything else